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January 2002 - Amended December 2004
Terms of reference for the Shoalhaven District Billiards and Snooker Association are from the Australian Billiards and Snooker Council.


The aims of the Shoalhaven District Billiards and Snooker Association, hereinafter referred to as "SDBSA" are:-
1. To co-ordinate and administrate all aspects of competition Billiards, Snooker and associated games between member clubs in the Shoalhaven District.
2. To promote interest in the games of Billiards and Snooker.
3. To abide by the rules as laid down by the committee and other controlling bodies.
4. To co-operate with other sporting bodies in promoting good sportsmanship.


Membership shall be open to all players who are financial members of affiliated licensed or sporting clubs.
Membership categories are :-
1. Playing
2. Life
3. Social
Determination of membership will be :-
1. Playing : Open to all persons who are members of affiliated Club's subject to the paying of all fees as determined by the SDBSA.
2. Life : Life Membership shall be limited to one nomination per calendar year. A Life Member can be nominated and seconded by any financial playing member, but must have the support of at least seventy (70) per cent of the SDBSA Committee. Nominations for Life Membership must be in writing and lodged 30 days prior to the October District Meeting. The President shall then call an extra ordinary general meeting to discuss and vote on the proposal. Duly elected Life Members shall be exempt to all annual games fees and shall receive a complimentary double ticket to Presentation Night.
3. Social : Shall be open to all non-playing persons and other players not normally residing in the district who desire to play in social fixtures organised by the SDBSA Committee (subject to any fees being paid.)


The Patron shall be a person from the community of good standing who shall be invited to fill the position by the committee subject to ratification at an annual general meeting.


All fees shall be set at the first District Meeting each year. The financial year shall commence on 1st February each year.


The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be exempt of all game fees and shall receive a complimentary double ticket to the Presentation Night. Expenses incurred in performing of SDBSA business will be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documentation.


The SDBSA shall be administered by a duly elected governing committee comprising of :-
1. Executive Committee
2. Disputes Committee
3. Match Committee
4. Club Delegates



1. PRESIDENT : To preside over all meetings and to maintain good order and fair administration of Association affairs, and to ensure all office bearers perform their responsibilities in accordance with SDBSA rules.

2. VICE PRESIDENT : To preside over meetings in the absence of the President and to ensure all Presidential duties are upheld.

3. SECRETARY : The secretary is responsible to the SDBSA for keeping true and accurate minutes of all Executive and District meetings. Before each District meeting the Secretary will forward minutes of the preceding District meeting to each Executive and affiliated Club. The secretary will present all incoming correspondence at District meetings and answer, and disseminate information arising, as directed by the meeting. The Secretary will also maintain a register of all persons registered as members of the SDBSA.

4. TREASURER : The treasurer is responsible to the SDBSA for the receipt, safe keeping and correct accounting of all Association monies, as well as prompt payment of all SDBSA debts as directed by the Committee. Before the end of each financial year the Treasurer is responsible for collecting all outstanding fees, and on collection of same, presents the books for audit to the Association Auditor. At all district meetings the Treasurer will present a current account of SDBSA financial affairs.


The Disputes Committee shall provide the Association with recommendations of actions of all disputes that may arise. And shall comprise of : -
1. President or Vice president as directed by the Association.
2. Secretary
3. One representative from each Club involved.
4. One neutral playing member as called by the Association.

The position of Match Secretary will be duly filled at the first District meeting of each year. The Match Secretary shall be responsible for the running of all SDBSA competitions including the composition of league draws. Actual playing sequence and commencing dates shall be decided by a majority vote at the first District meeting of each year. The Match Secretary and the Recorder will be responsible for the rescheduling of any match/matches whether it is a change of venue or day of play. They shall also ensure all parties concerned with it receive timely notice of the changes.

The position of Recorder will be duly filled at the first District meeting of each year. The Recorder will receive, record, and collate all results, point scores, player averages plus highest breaks and all other relevant data for each division of the competition. The Recorder shall investigate disputes occurring during competition matches and report findings to the Disputes Committee. A Recorder shall also be responsible for press releases relating to point scores and general comment of weekly results.

The governing Committee of the SDBSA shall, other than the Executive, have representation of a maximum of two (2) Delegates per affiliated Club, who shall make up the voting majority of the SDBSA. Each affiliated Club shall be entitled to one casting vote per Delegate present for each proposed motion. When the vote on a motion is deadlocked the President or his representative shall have the casting vote. It is the responsibility of Club Delegates to ensure that all matters discussed at District meetings, and all notices are passed onto their own Club Sub Body. Any Club not represented at any District meeting and not having submitted an apology prior to the meeting commencing shall incur an automatic fifty dollar ($50.00) fine, payable to the District Secretary prior to the next scheduled meeting date. Non-payment by said date would include an additional point's deduction from each representative team equal to the maximum points available for one (1) round at the ruling playing conditions.


District meetings shall be held at least Bi-monthly on a date to be set at the previous District meeting.

An Extra Ordinary Meeting may be called on any date by the President and/or 50% of the total Committee and not less than 55% of the total eligible Club Delegates. Those Committee members and Delegates must first be advised of the reason for the Extra Ordinary Meeting, - sign an agreement to that Extra Ordinary Meeting and must be present, (with the agreement) at that meeting to constitute a quorum. They may only discuss that topic at that meeting. Any motion previously passed at an Ordinary Meeting may only be rescinded providing no less than 65% of those members who voted at the original motion are present at this meeting. Any voting shall be by secret vote unless agreed otherwise by a majority of those present. The President may have the casting vote in a tied secret vote but vote at the time of voting, his folded vote to be held by the Secretary for that purpose only. All voting sheets to be destroyed at the conclusion of the meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be recorded as for a monthly meeting.

Executive Committee meetings are to be held whenever decided by the Executive.


The Annual General Meeting of the SDBSA will be held at the conclusion of all matches and shall have the date set for the meeting at the October District meeting. All positions on the Governing Committee shall be declared vacant and the outgoing President shall vacate the chair. A Life Member or delegated person shall conduct the election of Office Bearers. All notices of proposed motions should be in the hands of the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the AGM. At the AGM all members present shall be entitled to one vote on all motions proposing changes to the constitution, and the election of new office bearers.

Sub Committee meetings shall be at the discretion of the parties involved.

Vacancies occurring during a year in all Committees may be filled at a District meeting with all Club Delegates and Executives eligible to vote.
January 2002 - Amended December 2004